Thursday, September 3, 2020
Resort Management Roles and Responsibilities
Question: Talk about the Resort Management for Roles and Responsibilities. Answer: Presentation: There are a progression of obligations that retreat need to oversee viably. From dealing with the staff in a few division and keeping up to on the patterns to guarantee that the clients are agreeable just as happy with the remain; along these lines the hotel chief should be qualified proficient to deal with this expanding scope of obligations. The jobs and obligations of the representatives of the retreat could change dependent on the sort of the hotel. Along these lines, to comprehend the jobs and obligations of one specific classification of resort staff, the report considers Legion E-Sport Resort, which is arranged in Phoenix Island, Sanya, China. The gross floor proportion of the retreat is around 47.00%. The current report centers around the essential duties of front house staff of Legion E-Sport Resort. Job of and essential duties of the front staff Essential duties The individuals who work at the front work area of the retreat are the individual that guests see when they stroll in and out. The stance and the signal of the secretary causes the guests to request help and data and in light of this explanation assistant should be enlightened up on the things circumventing the hotel. The receptionists may go to the receptionists for data in regards to the territories, where they could eat, sit and appreciate trip. The front office staff or the receptionists need to play out the entirety of the significant obligations, for example, coordinating calls, filling too s answering to faxes and answering to the sends. The secretary additionally should take the obligations of keeping the record of staff that have not come and gone to the workplace. The work force associated with this specific occupation job need to guarantee all records, papers and reports are kept classified, particularly the clients data and charging exchanges. The secretary may need to enable the workplace to assistant at whatever point they need support it. This may require the receptionists to do receipt readiness, filling, refreshing framework work, information passage and copying. Also, the front office staff or the receptionists need to orchestrate the movement for the trough of the hotel going the gathering and ensuring that they have the housing. Once in a while, the front office staff need to guarantee that office types of gear gracefully is constantly recharged just as in operational request. This may incorporate the PCs, scanners and the fundamental types of gear, for example, fixed. As referenced by Ali, Hussain and Ragavan (2014) the front office staff need to assume the liability by showing the lesser the ropes and helping the lesser representatives overcome the day and telling them the best way to deal with the their occupations. Besides, it is likewise the obligation of the front office staff to guarantee that the lesser staff does what required to be done and the occupations are done just as the front office house is in formally dressed state. Essential obligations It is exceptionally obvious that night reviews need to take an enormous assortment of duties beginning from posting room charges on visitor accounts. The night reviews need to play out the obligation of preparing guest charges voucher and crediting card voucher. The night reviews at some point take the duties moving charges and storing to ace records. It is seen that some huge retreats put a wide scope of obligations and duties on the night reviews; even now and again, not many assignments may not go under the duty of the night review however because of the inaccessibility of the staff, the night review play out that task. The duty of the night review reaches out to the errand of checking the current record status of coupon, limiting just as other special projects. Most significant obligation of the night review is to monitor room income and inhabitance rate just as other front office insights. It is likewise recognized that all money check, charge card exercises are generally led co nstantly reviews in the hotel. Every day schedule errand of Night reviews As the day by day schedule task, the night reviews play out the undertaking of checking figures, posting and setting up the reports for precision. The night reviews will in general record, keep, access just as break down the money related data. Besides, they assume the liability of adjusting the days charge and making rectification as required. As referenced by Ali and Amin (2014), the night reviews can work as a front work area operator especially as far as check in and checkout techniques. Participation with others: It is essential for the night reviews to help out different associates in the working environment. Moreover, the retreat gives the proper preparing and advancement meeting for the staff for building a successful hierarchical culture. For instance, the a few representatives may run late or may not come; in such circumstance, the association needs to orchestrate the work by other staff. In this way, representatives of every division have been prepared with such conduct and practice. Reservations Essential obligations The booking specialists of the retreat assume the liability of preparing reservations via mail, phone, message and focal reservation framework referral. Likewise, the booking operator of the Legion E-sport resort needs to process the reservations from the business office just as other inn office. Individuals playing out this specific employment job need to know the kind of room accessible just as area and their design. They should know selling status, rates just as advantages of all bundle plans. The booking specialists of the retreat must know the credit strategy and the way toward coding every reservation. The booking operators need to make just as keep up reservations records dependent on the current dates and in order posting. Furthermore, they may need to decide the room rates dependent on the selling strategies of the lodging. As set forward by Canavan (2014), the booking specialist of the retreat should improve the aptitudes of conveying the reservation d ata to the front work area. They ought to have legitimate information and data in regards to the lodging strategy on ensured reservations just as flake-outs. Every day schedule errand of reservation specialist The booking operator of the lodging needs to process propelled stores on the reservations and track future room availabilities dependent on the reservations. As the day by day obligation, the booking operator of the hotel needs to build up the income of the room and inhabitance conjecture. Participation with the others-As set forward via Carroll and Buchholtz (2014) the booking operators of the hotel ought to have great relational abilities to interface with the guests and other staff that are working in the retreat. Reservation operators ought to likewise have what it takes of dynamic as some of the time the senior reservation specialist or the pioneer may not come, in such circumstance, operators could utilize the aptitudes to deal with any surprising circumstance. Essential obligations The attendant of the hotel plays an enormous scope of obligations and duties to advance the viability of the activity. The attendants improve a solid information on the retreats offices and administrations of the encompassing network. The attendants of the retreat give the guests data in regards to the fascination, offices, administrations and exercises in and outside the territory of the hotel. As the significant duty of the activity, the attendant readies the visitor booking for the performance center just as other kind of amusement when fundamental. The attendant needs to arrange unique capacities as coordinated by the administration. As the obligation of their activity, the attendant of the inn need to guarantee that all essential gear kept up appropriately with adequate stock for customary activity. The attendant likewise takes the obligations of guaranteeing that deliberateness just as wellbeing rules over the anteroom just as front entryway zones. Every day schedule assignment of the attendant in the retreat As the day by day task, the attendant of the hotel need to keep up create and keep up a spotless, solid just as security working condition. The individuals associated with this specific job need to arrange visitor demand for uncommon assistance or the gear with the unique division. The attendant additionally needs to contact the lives visitor intermittently to learn a specific needs just as handle client grumblings and resolve the issues to the degree conceivable. Coordination with others: Concierge needs to get familiar with the abilities of moving toward the visitor in regards to the requirements. They ought to become familiar with the stance and motion while speaking with others. This may assist them with evening speak with the senior associates in the hotel. Visitor Serving-Bell Staff, Door staff and Valet stopping Essential duties The bellboy of the retreat needs to check the day by day appearance rundown of VIP visitors with the extraordinary prerequisite. The chime staff of the retreat needs to guarantee the assortment just as conveyance of guest gear just as the hardware on schedule. As set forward by Ali and Amin (2014), the chime staffs are the individuals who deal with the things administrations and the administrations are imperatives between the anteroom zone and the visitor room. In actuality, the entryway staff of the retreat assumes liability of giving the check side things and administrations. The entryway chaperons additionally assume the liability controlling the traffic at the lodging passageway. Then again, Valet leaving staff gives leaving administration to visitor autos. What's more, the Valet leaving orderlies are likewise answerable for the security of vehicles that are moved to just as from the lodging passage. The Valet stopping staff should deal with their consideration w ithout giving a receipt to the visitor. In like manner, it is the duty of valet stopping staff to keep the cards in the safe region and issue by the certified per
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Managing Quality in Partnership Working with Service Users Free Essays
Focal College London Module Study Guide G: Managing Quality in Partnership Working Graduate Diploma in Health and Social Care â⬠Level 5 Module G: Managing Quality in Partnership Working The student will: 1 Understand contrasting viewpoints of value and association working comparable to wellbeing and social consideration administrations Partnership: strengthening; freedom; self-governance; power; educated decision; staff and association bunches eg legal, deliberate, private, autonomous, magnanimous; administration clients Quality: review; quality control; job of organizations eg Care Quality Commission, NICE; job of staff and clients; quality points of view eg Servqual-Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry; specialized quality; useful quality http://regions. kenan-flagler. unc. We will compose a custom exposition test on Overseeing Quality in Partnership Working with Service Users or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now edu/Marketing/FacultyStaff/zeithaml/Selected%20Publications/SERVQUAL-%20A%20Multiple-Item%20Scale%20for%20Measuring%20Consumer%20Perceptions%20of%20Service%20Quality. pdf The student can: 1. 1 Discuss the way of thinking of working in association in wellbeing and social consideration 1. Break down the job of outer organizations in setting gauges and the effect this has on administration quality The student will: 2 Understand how to advance association ways of thinking and connections in wellbeing and social consideration administrations Partnership working: strengthening; hypotheses of synergistic working; educated dynamic; privacy; proficient jobs and duties; models of working eg brought together, planned, alliance and half and half models; the executives structures; specialized techniques; between disciplinary and between office working and joint working understandings. Enactment: current and pertinent enactment eg shielding, correspondence, decent variety, incapacity, information assurance Organizational practices and arrangements: current and significant practices; concurred methods of working; administrations arranging systems and business rehearses for various bodies ie legal, willful, authority units; hazard evaluation strategies The student can: 2. 1 Compare models of association working and examine how contrasts in functioning practices and arrangements influence cooperative working over the part 2. Assess current enactment and authoritative practices and approaches for organization working in wellbeing and social consideration The student will: 3Understand systems for accomplishing quality in wellbeing and social consideration administrations Standards: least norms; best practice; benchmarks; execution pointers; sanctions; codes of training; enactment eg neighborhood, national, European Implementing quality: arranging, strategies and methods ; target setting; review; checking; survey; assets (budgetary, gear, staff, convenience); correspondence; data; adjusting to change Hindrances: outside (between office collaborations, enactment, social arrangement); inside (dangers, assets, hierarchical structures, connections between individuals) The student can: 3. 1 Explain the norms that exist in wellbeing and social consideration for estimating quality 3. 2 Evaluate various ways to deal with actualizing quality frameworks 3. 3 Analyze potential boundaries to conveyance of value wellbeing and social consideration benefits The student will: 4Evaluate the results of association working for clients of administrations, experts and associations in wellbeing and social consideration administrations Results for administration clients: positive eg improved administrations, strengthening, independence, educated dynamic; negative eg disregard, misuse, hurt, outrage, miscommunication, data over-burden, disarray, duplication of administration arrangement, debilitation Outcomes for experts: positive eg composed help arrangement, proficient methodology, clear jobs and obligations, sorted out correspondence, forestalling botches, effective utilization of assets; negative eg proficient clash, miscommunication, time squandering, fumble of financing Results for associations: positive eg rational methodology, shared standards, thorough help arrangement, basic working practices, incorporated administrations; negative eg correspondence breakdown, disconnected assistance arrangement, expanded costs, loss of shared reason Barriers to organization working: absence of comprehension of jobs and obligations; negative perspectives; absence of correspondence; not sharing data; various needs; various mentalities and qualities Systems to improve results: correspondence; data sharing; counsel; arrangement; models of strengthening; aggregate multi-organization working; managing struggle; partner examination The student can: 4. 1 Analyze results and obstructions for association working for clients of administrations, experts and associations 4. 2 Describe systems to improve results for association working in wellbeing and social consideration benefits The student will: 5 Understand strategies for assessing wellbeing and social consideration administration quality Techniques for surveying quality: polls; center gatherings; organized ans semi-organized meetings; boards, grievances methods; open discussions Perspectives: outside eg examination organizations; interior eg administration guidelines; ceaseless improvement : components eg conference, boards, client oversaw administrations The student can: 5. 1 Analyze techniques for assessing wellbeing and social consideration administration quality with respect to outer and inward points of view 5. 2 Discuss the effect that including clients of administrations in the assessment procedure has on administration quality ââ¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬Ã¢â¬- Internal Assessment Guidance â⬠Module D: Errand 1 â⬠Type of proof: Presentation Assessment rules: 1. 1, 1. 2, 4. 1, 4. 2 Additional data: Constitutes 30% of module mark Activity Review how a neighborhood wellbeing or social consideration supplier draws in with applicable accomplices in the conveyance of their administration, and how this can affect on the nature of the administration they give. You may as of now be comfortable with this wellbeing or social consideration supplier and have some information on their way to deal with association and quality principles OR you can pick a supplier and break down their training dependent on the data contained: * Within their showcasing/limited time material On their site * Within their most recent report from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Please note so as to keep up privacy you can just allude to data that is accessible inside the open space Review their training and answer the accompanying inquiries in your introduction: a) How accomplish they work in association with: ou tside offices; pro administrations; administration clients; proficient bodies; intentional and different associations? (1. 1) b) How do these organizations sway the nature of administration gave? 1. 2) c) Analyze results and boundaries for organization working with administration clients inside this administration (4. 1) d) Describe methodologies that could improve results for organization working inside this administration (4. 2) You should set up an introduction of around 10 minutes term to show your responses to the inquiries above. In your introduction you have to incorporate duplicates of slides and introduction notes and present a duplicate to your assessor. Your last slide should list effectively any references utilized. Introduction date: Week 3 Task 2 â⬠Type of proof: Report Assessment standards: All of 2, 3 and 5. Establishes half of the module mark Additional data: Word limit 1500 words Activity Using data accessible identified with the wellbeing or social consideration supplier that was the focal point of your introduction for Task 1, present a report addressing the accompanying inquiries: 1) Identify positive parts of organization practice inside the administration, and examine how association practice could be improved (2. ) 2) Evaluate how pertinent enactment is executed to influence authoritative practice identified with organization working (2. 2) 3) Explain at any rate five guidelines that exist for estimating quality (3. 1) 4) Identify and assess ways to deal with actualizing quality frameworks (3. 2) 5) Analyze any obstructions or potential boundaries to conveying a decent quality help (3. 3) 6) Analyze techniques utilized for assessing the nature of the administration gave (5. 1) 7) Discuss the effect of any inclusion of administrations clients in the assessment of administration quality (5. 2) So as to advance secrecy, guarantee that you just allude to material and data that is accessible inside the open area. All wellsprings of proof ought to be precisely referenced toward the finish of your report. Errand 3-Essay (500-700 words) . This will comprise 20% of the module mark. Reflect and compose a paper which will recognize what you have gained from this module to incorporate individual qualities and shortcomings during the learning procedure. Feature any need that will require advancement for the future which would upgrade your employability. Accommodation date: 17/05/2013 Step by step instructions to refer to Managing Quality in Partnership Working with Service Users, Papers
Friday, August 21, 2020
Managing cultural diversity in the workplace environment of singapore Essay
Overseeing social decent variety in the work environment condition of singapore - Essay Example During the procedure, a basic perspective on the strategies and rehearses and their effect on different parts of hierarchical execution would be set to evaluate the viability of the approaches and practices. Additionally, potential proposals to handle these difficulties would be recommended dependent on hierarchical practices. While the impacts of globalization have been significant to the point that all associations need to adjust to the changes, decent variety is one of the methodologies received for maintainability and execution. This reflects in their arrangements and practices as for HR the executives. In spite of the fact that the western nations received this course a lot prior, it is moderately more current idea in the majority of the Eastern countries (Mor-Barack, 2005). This doesn't imply that the Eastern countries didn't utilize individuals from various societies and ethnic gatherings; yet simply that the associations have begun receiving approaches and practices to support and, to a degree, suit multicultural and assorted populaces during most recent couple of decades. The most significant prerequisite for overseeing decent variety originates from equivalent rights act and arrangements harmonious with this demonstration, which make positive social, legitimate and hierarchical condition to all g atherings of individuals. Furthermore, hierarchical approaches and practices that empower and bolster differentiated workforce. Globalization has given uncommon advantages to associations, which has lured numerous associations to enter the worldwide market. This has additionally expanded the quantities of individuals from various foundations, societies, races and ethnic gatherings to cooperate at various areas. Then again, associations in certain parts are known to have moved to different submits in request to thrive on the grounds that the enactment there was progressively helpful for their methodologies; for instance, Singapore has loosened up enactment
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
The Help Book Review - 550 Words
The Help Book Review (Book Review Sample) Content: Studentà ¢Ã¢â ¬s Name:Professorà ¢Ã¢â ¬s Name:Course Name:12th May 2014My favorite character in à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"The Helpà ¢Ã¢â ¬My favorite character in à ¢Ã¢â ¬ÃÅ"The Helpà ¢Ã¢â ¬ is Aibileen. She plays the center role in the book. Her interaction with other characters increases our understanding about them. She portrays an image of a caring, responsible and experienced lady. She is compassionate and a victim of circumstances. She was well raised by her mother. However she has had misfortunes like the death of her son before she started working for Elizabeth. She is also working under racialist employers who discriminate black people openly. She is a champion of all these because she endured, played smart and still did her level best in her tasks.She is particularly my favorite because she comes out from difficulties without giving up. She was raised in a poor family and had to leave school to help their family. Before she got employed her son died in an accident. She was hurt with the way his employer treated the body. It changed her. Aibileen is strong, she could hear Elizabeth and her friends talk badly about black people but did nothing. "As Aibileen serves Elizabeth and her friendsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Hilly Holbrook and Skeeter Phelan à ¢Ã¢â ¬during their usual bridge game, she hears Hilly tell the women that her motherà ¢Ã¢â ¬s maid Minny was stealing and that she wants to institute a law requiring black employees to use a separate , outdoor bathroom.à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Aibileen seems to persevere through difficulty with her wisdom to make it. In the book we are told that she kept on teaching the two year old son of Elizabeth, Mae Mobley Leefolt equality of blacks and whites. She also shows an aggressive character when she promises to help Minny find a job. She...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Financial position of jetblue airways corporation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 15 Words: 4564 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Executive summary In this report, the financial position of JetBlue Airways Corporation, a low-fare, low-cost passenger Airline Company serving the US market, is studied in order to provide recommendations to the company with regards to its investments plans. By the year 2003, the company is intending to support its growth through the acquisition of several new aircraft over the coming 13 years. The company will thus need a high capital expenditure to support those acquisitions, as well as several related investments. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Financial position of jetblue airways corporation" essay for you Create order For the purpose of this study, a SWOT analysis of JetBlue as by its position in June 2003 is performed. A background research is conducted in order to assess how other airline companies are financing their aircraft acquisitions and other investments, and in a broader aspect, study the specificities of their financial structures. The different financing alternatives available to the company are presented and studied in relation to the financial position of the company. A non-financial analysis of the debt and equity options is conducted, in order to assess the relevance of each of those options with regards to all areas of the business other than finance. The outcomes of those analyses are combined and a recommendation is issued to the Chief Financial Officer of JetBlue: It is recommended that the company issues common stock in order to finance the needed investments in the second half of 2003. In a longer-term perspective, it is recommended to the company to use leases an d secured debt for the upcoming aircraft acquisitions when favorable terms are available to the company, and to finance the remaining parts of the investments through cash generated from operations and through issuance of new equity, in order to compensate for the increasing financial and operational risks of the company. Problem Definition JetBlue Airways Corporation is a low-fare, low-cost passenger airline company serving the US market. The company completed an IPO in April 2002, around two years after it was founded. JetBlue has had a successful business model and strong financial results during that period, and performed well in comparison to other airline companies in the US during the period between 2000 and 2003. The company, as by July 2003, is seeing several opportunities to grow by adding new markets and new flights to existing destinations. To accomplish this growth, the company is seeking to purchase 65 new Airbus A320, with an option to buy additional 50 ones, and also committed to purchase 100 Embraer E190 aircraft, with the option to purchase 100 additional ones. The company needs thus to think about a way to finance those acquisitions, as well as other needed investments such as spare parts, new engines, additional hangars and a flight training center. John Owen, the Chief Financial Office r of JetBlue, is in charge of finding the best financing scheme for the company. The problem facing John Owen is twofold: First, he needs to finance the acquisitions planned for the second half of 2003. Indeed, for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2003, the company has committed to purchase 8 Airbus A320 aircraft, for a total amount of $305 million to be paid in 2003 (Exhibit 8). The company is generating cash from its operating activities that amounted to $129,725 thousand for the first half of 2003, and already generated $238,989 thousand from financing activities (Exhibit 6). This will cover for part of this capital expenditure estimated at $570 million for 2003 (Exhibit 9). So John Owen needs to finance the remaining part of this capital expenditure. Second, John Owen needs to think about a long-term financing strategy. Indeed, JetBlue is committed to the purchase of 207 additional aircraft for a total amount of $6.86 billion over 8 years. Owen has to think about the best capital structure for the company and thus the best financing strategy for JetBlues investments, including the aircraft acquisitions and the related investments. SWOT Analysis Strengths The first strength of JetBlue is its founding teams background. Indeed, the company was founded by a veteran in the low-fare airline industry, backed by a group of private equity firms. The management of the company has also the expertise of leading a publicly held company, following the IPO in 2002. The company has a successful business model and exhibits strong financial results, as well as strong revenue growth despite the downturn in the industry following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Thus, JetBlue is a perceived as a solid and growing company by the investors. The low operation costs of JetBlue are one of the most important strengths of the company. The company is utilizing aircraft efficiently generating more revenue per plane. The company is also operating one type of aircraft, the Airbus A320, thus lowering maintenance and training costs and spare parts needs. The workforce of JetBlue is non-unionized and does not benefit from strict work regulations. The distribution costs of JetBlue are also low. Indeed, the company does not provide any paper tickets. The company operates only new airplanes, thus minimizing maintenance costs and offering a good ââ¬Å"flying experienceâ⬠to its customers. The company also benefits from its reliable on-time performance, comfortable airplanes, and friendly flying personnel to attract and secure its customer base. The company serves densely populated cities in underserved airports, with high fares. This strategy helps the company capture market share in these segments. The company is financing its existing aircraft through secured debt and operating leases, on favorable terms. Those financing possibilities are still available for the company for additional aircraft purchase. Weaknesses A considerable weakness of JetBlue is its small size. The company is operating 42 aircraft, for 73 flights per day and annual revenues of $635 million. The company can probably not rely on its personnel loyalty, due to the non-advantageous working conditions and regulation. The company is operating only one type of airplane, the Airbus A320. This represents a weakness for the company as well. Indeed, the planes have the same age and might all suffer at the same time from an eventual recurrent technical problem on this type of aircraft, which should be catastrophic for the company. JetBlue does not have a line of credit, or short-term borrowing facility. Therefore, the company depends on its operating cash flow to finance its short-term and working capital obligations. The balance sheet of the company also needs to be strengthened. JetBlue also faces one of the airlines principal risks which is the rising fuel price. The company is spending a considerable amount of money in hedging for fuel prices volatility. In addition, as the company is relatively consuming low volumes of fuel, it can suffer from significantly higher prices in case of fuel shortage. JetBlue is a levered company. With a short-term debt of $26,580 thousand and a long-term debt of $731,740 thousand as by June 2003, and equity of $480,594 thousand, the companys leverage ratio is 157.8%, whereas the industry average is around 129.46% (Infinancials). Opportunities Internal The purchase of the new 100-seat Embraer E190 aircraft would allow JetBlue to enter smaller markets while maintaining low operating costs, and increase flight frequency on existing routes. The private placement of convertible debt proposed by JetBlues investment bankers would provide sufficient capital at relatively low interest rates. JetBlue is a fast growing company, and should thus bear having less debt. The company has thus the opportunity to raise additional equity. External The low fares offered by JetBlue would allow it to attract new passengers who might otherwise not fly. The mid-sized market that JetBlue intends to enter will represent a new opportunity for growth to the company. By expanding its activities, the company will purchase larger volumes of jet fuel and would thus have more leverage in procuring fuel than today. The company will thus suffer relatively less from fuel shortages. Threats Internal The company is intending to grow and become an airline company ââ¬Å"like the othersâ⬠. JetBlue might thus lose its advantages from being low-cost, small and highly profitable. The company is clearly departing from its strategy, which has been the source of its strengths up to 2003. JetBlue plans to purchase a new type of aircraft, the Embraer E190. This is again a departure from the companys initial strategy which is to operate only one type of aircraft. JetBlue might thus incur higher maintenance and training costs, higher spare parts and engines costs, and some negative impact on the maintenance scheduling. JetBlue plans to increase its aircraft fleet from 45 to 252. In addition, the company plans to invest in other domains such as spare parts, new engines, additional hangars and a flight training center. This represents a very big investment and thus a consequent threat for the company. Such an investment will let the company more exposed to financial distress and raises the question of the management ability to cope with such a rapid expansion. The company board members are very concerned about dilution. There is a threat that they will not support John Owen, the CFO, if he recommends to raise new equity capital. With the rapid expansion of the company, the jet fuel expenses, as well as the cost of their hedging will grow rapidly. The company will be more exposed to both the fuel price volatility and the growing cost of hedging it. As the company will get bigger, with higher manpower, those might want to be unionized. External The fuel price is also an external factor due to its non-predictable volatility. JetBlue plans to be the launch customer for the new Embraer E190 aircraft. Although this allowed probably the company to have a price discount, it is also a threat. JetBlue might be exposed to technical and/or non-technical problems that have been not detected by the manufacturer or other users of the jet. The reason for the company to go public was to wean off its dependence on the venture capital and private equity industries. Issuing private debt securities represent a threat for JetBlue as this might lock back the company to such private investors. In addition, those investors and the private investors in general might not be interested by the eventual convertible debenture issued by the company. JetBlue is a small client of Morgan Stanley, the investment bank in charge of proposing financing alternatives for the company. Morgan Stanley might thus charge heavily JetBlue, and/or try to bias the companys choice for its benefit. The competition from other low-cost and regular airline companies which might try to counter JetBlues expansion. The revenues of the company and its growth aspirations are subject to the economic conditions. An economic downturn or additional terrorist attacks might impact negatively JetBlues ability to finance its debt obligations. The company will also have to secure additional airport gates which will represent a threat for the company in case it cannot negotiate advantageous conditions as with underserved airports. The alternatives In order to finance the acquisitions planned for the remaining part of 2003, JetBlue received two financial propositions from the investment banks. The first alternative is to issue additional 2.6 million shares at an estimated $42.50 per share. JetBlue will thus be able to raise up to $110.5 million. The fees and commissions of the bank for this proposal amount to $3,591,250 which represents a cost of 3.25%. The second proposal from the investment banks is to issue $150 million in a private placement of convertible debentures. The debentures will be a 30-year convertible debt with a coupon rate of 3.5%. In addition, the debt will be convertible into shares of JetBlue at $63.75 per share, which represents a conversion rate of 15.6863 shares per $1,000 principal amount of notes. The notes will be unsecured obligations and will rank equal in right of payment with all other unsecured debt. Currently, all of JetBlues debt is secured. The bank will not charge any additional fees for this alternative. JetBlue can consider some other alternatives as well. Indeed, the company can issue some preferred stock. This stock might be considered as equity in accounting, to strengthen the balance sheet of the company, but will at the same time accommodate the board members concern about dilution. This preferred stock option might however fail to attract investors. Another alternative might be the issuance of simple corporate bonds. The coupon rate for those will however be higher than the 3.5% of the convertible bonds. This option will thus cost more for JetBlue than convertible bonds, especially before the companys shares price eventually exceeds $63.75. Issuing public corporate bonds will have higher cost for the company as well. Indeed, those need to be ranked by some ranking agencies and will have higher coupon rates (Exhibit 12). Two other alternatives exist for JetBlue, for the aircraft acquisitions financing: The operating lease and the secured debt (each acquisition debt is secured by the acquired aircraft). Those two options are available for JetBlue at advantageous conditions. Thus, the alternatives that will be retained for the remaining of the analysis are the operating lease and secured debt for the aircraft acquisitions, and the equity issuance and the convertible private bonds for the acquisitions and the other investments. Background Research Some background research has been performed in order to assess how other airline companies are financing their aircraft acquisitions and other investments, and in a broader aspect, study the specificities of their financial structures. This study included some regular as well as low-cost airline companies. British airway, for example, is financing its aircraft acquisitions through debt, all of which being asset related. The group is principally using finance leases and hire purchases contracts to acquire aircraft (British Airways Annual Report 2010, p.104). Delta Airlines, on its side, is using pass-through certificates to finance aircraft (Delta Airlines Annual Report 2010, p.34). In addition, the company has $5.2 billion of loans secured by 287 aircraft (Delta Airlines Annual Report 2010, p.72). United Continental Holdings has a high amount of obligations, including debt, aircraft leases and financings (United Continental Holdings Annual Report 2010, p.53). A substantial portion of the companys assets, principally aircraft, are pledged under various loans and other obligations. The company also uses secured notes, equipment notes, pass-through certificates and multiple financings secured by certain aircraft spare parts, aircraft and spare engines (United Continental Holdings Annual Report 2010, p.55). United Continental Holdings also raises cash from issuance of common stock (United Continental Holdings Annual Report 2010, p.56). The low-cost airline companies seem to be, on their side, more conservative. Indeed, EasyJet is adopting a conservative capital structure policy, including a liquidity target of à £4 million cash per aircraft, and a 50% limit on net gearing (EasyJet Annual Report 2010, p.9). All of the companys debt is asset related (EasyJet Annual Report 2010, p.85). The company holds 62 aircraft under operating leases and 8 aircraft under finance leases, out of 196 total aircraft, principally Airbus (EasyJet Annual Report 2010, p. 87). RyanAir, another low-cost airline company, has a fleet of 232 Boing 737-800s. The company makes its firm-order purchases through a combination of bank loans, operating and finance leases and cash flow generated from the companys operations (RyanAir Annual Report 2010, p.42). Both RyanAir and EasyJet exhibit a capital structure that relies less on debt than the regular companies counterparts, as illustrated by the following table: (2010), In Millions BritishAirways Delta Airlines United Continental Holdings EasyJet RyanAir JetBlue LT debt 3698 13179 11434 1084,6 2690,7 731,740 ST debt 811 2073 2411 127,4 265,5 26,580 Equity 1494 897 1727 1500,7 2848,6 480,594 Capital structure Debt / Equity+Debt 75,11% 94,45% 88,91% 44,68% 50,93% 61,21% Equity / Equity+Debt 24,89% 5,55% 11,09% 55,32% 49,07% 38,79% It is important to mention that some small airline companies choose to issue bonds for their investments as well. SpiceJet, an Indian airline company operating to Mumbai, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Pune, Goa and Delhi issued in 2005 foreign currency convertible bonds worth $90 million to fund aircraft acquisitions (IndiaAviation, 2005). All in all, airline companies are using both debt and equity (together with other financing means, including cash flows generated from operations) to raise money. In its ââ¬ËAirlines return to capital markets article, David Knibb (2009) summarizes the ways several companies found financings: Lufthansa, Air-France KLM, British Airways, Air Canada, Australias Virgin Blue, Avianca and Indian carrier Kingfisher all issued bonds during 2009. AMR used private lenders to borrow money. Some other companies, smaller, chose to issue shares: SAS, Virgin Blue, AirAsia, Kingfisher, and Icelandair. From this study, it appears that the majority of airl ine companies are financing their aircraft acquisitions, apart from using cash flow generated by operations, through debt, either leases or secured debt. Other investment needs are financed either through debt or equity, depending on the companies. However, a common trend to low-cost companies seems to be their conservative financial structures, in comparison to bigger, regular airline companies. Financial Analysis of the Alternatives As per June 2003, JetBlue Corporation has a short-term debt of $26,580 thousand, a long-term debt of $731,740 thousand and equity of total $480,594 thousand (Exhibit 5a). In order to compute an average interest rate for the company, data from 2002 are used: The interest expenses for this year equaled $10,370 thousand (exhibit 4), for a total long-term debt of $690,252 thousand (Exhibit 5a), thus an interest rate of 1,5%. The tax expenses as per June 2003 are of $40,188 thousand for a total earnings before tax of $95,503 thousand (exhibit 4), thus a corporate tax rate of 0.42. From exhibit 1, the JetBlues equity beta during the period from April 2002 to June 2003 is 0.69. As per the data from Exhibit 5a for June 2003, the financial structure of the company was as follows: LT debt 731,740 ST debt 26,580 Equity 480,594 Capital structure Debt / Equity+Debt 61,21% Equity / Equity+Debt 38,79% From the Hamadas formula, we can compute the unlevered beta of JetBlue as follows: Beta(u)=Beta(l)/[1+(1-T)*(Wd/We)] With Beta(l)=0.69, T=0.42, Wd=61.21 and We=38.79 Thus Beta(u)=0.36 In addition, from exhibit 12, the Treasury bill interest rate as of June 30, 2003 is 1.09%, this will be used as the risk-free rate of return. Assuming a market rate of return 9 points higher than the risk-free return, we can use the WACC spreadsheet in order to estimate the financial structure of JetBlue that minimizes the WACC of the company: Appendix 1. It turns out that the company has an optimal financial structure, minimizing its weighted average cost of capital, following those estimated figures. Any of the two options, either the convertible debt or the equity, will probably pull the financial structure from its current optimal position. For the first alternative, the convertible debenture, the coupon rate of this bond is 3.5%, for a total amount of $150,000 thousand. The weighted average cost of debt for JetBlue, if they issue such bonds, will be: [(3.5%*150,000)+(1.5%*731,740)]/(150,00 0+731,740), thus 1.84%. The financial structure of JetBlue will be as follows: LT debt 881,740 =731,740+150,000 ST debt 26,580 Equity 480,594 Capital structure Debt / Equity+Debt 65,40% Equity / Equity+Debt 34,60% Using the WACC spreadsheet, we can see the companys financial position with regards to the optimal financial structure of JetBlue following the new cost of debt: Appendix2. If JetBlue chooses the debt option, the financial structure of the company will no more be the one offering the minimal WACC. The same analysis can be done for the second alternative. Following the shares issuance, the financial structure of JetBlue will be as follows: LT debt 731,740 ST debt 26,580 Equity 591,094 =480,594+110,500 Capital structure Debt / Equity+Debt 56,20% Equity / Equity+Debt 43,80% Using the WACC spreadsheet, we can see the companys financial position with regards to the optimal financial structure of JetBlue following the raise in equity: Appendix3. From this analysis, it can be noted that JetBlue will still have a financial position that minimizes the companys weighted average cost of capital, thus maximizing the overall value of the companys stock. It can be concluded, from a financial point of view, that the best alternative for the investments planned for 2003 is the equity issuance. Non-Financial Analysis JetBlues passenger revenues knew a steady growth from 2000 ($101,665 thousand) to 2002 ($615,171 thousand). The revenues are forecasted to continue to grow up to a level of $1,796.9 million in 2005 (Exhibit 9). This revenue stability and expected high growth provide a strong confidence to JetBlue in its ability to meet its financial obligations, thus having the opportunity to issue either debt or equity. The companys assets amount to $1,565,322 thousand as per June 2003. Those assets are principally composed by operating property and equipment, which are pledged under the operating leases and secured debt of the company. If JetBlue chooses to finance its future aircraft acquisitions by debt, the acquired aircraft can be used to secure the corresponding debt. JetBlue, as any airline company, incurs very high fixed costs due to its high value operating property and equipment. The company has thus a very high operating leverage and is greatly exposed to the risk of cash flow pro jections errors in case it does not meet the projected revenues figures. Any variation in the estimated revenues, might lead the company to a position where it could not meet its financial obligations related to debt. From this point of view, JetBlue needs to secure its cash flows. As stated earlier, the company revenues knew a high growth for the precedent years and are expected to continue growing steadily. This high level of growth allows the company to rely on equity. JetBlue is a profitable company, in comparison to peers, as stated in the following graph: Industry FORMULAE 2002 Average 2010* PROFITABILITY Gross margin % Gross margin / Revenues 13,81% Operating Margin Operating income / Revenues 17,07% Return on sales Net income / Revenues 8,93% 2.28% ROA Net income / Assets 3,98% 1.48% ROE Net income / Equity 13,24% 6.08% Revenues 615171,000 COS or Cost of revenues 530204,000 Gross margin 84967,000 Operating income or profit 104987,000 net income or profit 54908,000 assets 1378923,000 Equity 414673,000 From Infinancials JetBlue exhibits good levels of gross margin and operating margin. Furthermore, the companys return on sales, return on assets and return on equity are higher than industry averages and the company can be said to be quite profitable in comparison to company peers. This offers some flexibility to the company to rely on debt. JetBlue has a high level of tax rate (0.42), this allows the company to have an even lower cost of debt and offers the company the advantage of being able to rely more on debt in order to minimize its weighted average cost of capital. All of the companys debt is secured. In addition, the company does not have any line of credit, or short-term borrowing facility. The company does therefore not have any control restrictions or obligations towards its creditors. The shareholders of the company are on their side very concerned about any dilution. This fear of losing the control of the company limits the possibility of the CFO to issue new equity. Th e founding and managerial team of JetBlue is issued from the airline industry. They are used to manage a highly leveraged and public company. They should thus have a positive attitude towards high levels of debt. They should be able to deal with the opposite aspect (issuing more equity) as well. JetBlue does not need any rating agency for the issuance of the bonds, as those are private. The alternative of issuing public bonds has been eliminated as this one will incur higher costs for the company. The lenders of the company seem on their side to have a positive attitude towards the company, which should be able to issue additional secured debt for its aircraft acquisitions with advantageous conditions. The company has been performing well in the recent years. However, many major US air carriers struggled between 2000 and 2003, and some of them filed for bankruptcy protection. The market is impacted by a general economic slowdown caused partly by the terrorist attacks of Septem ber 11, 2001. The market is also subject to big variations depending on several unpredictable factors, like political stability, weather conditions, natural disasters, terrorist attacks etc. All of this calls for some financial conservatism for the airline industry. The internal stability of JetBlue will probably continue to hold, unless the company faces some financial distress, or if the shareholders are no more supporting the management team. From a short-term point of view, John Owen might lose the shareholders support if he goes for equity issuance. From a mid to long-term point of view, he might as well negatively impact the internal stability of the company if he is not conservative enough to avoid any financial distress situation. The debt offering will afford JetBlue less financial flexibility, especially due to the jet fuel prices. If fuel prices rise, this will incur less operating income and thus some difficulties to the company to meet its additional debt service payments. Owen has also to review his hedging strategy of the fuel prices volatility: If the company chooses to hedge more of its fuel consumption, it will incur much higher hedging costs. If on the contrary the company chooses to reduce hedging costs, it will be more exposed to financial distress when the prices increase. Conclusion: The best solution JetBlues market capitalization can be estimated at around $3.12 billion (74,423,693 * $41.98) as per June 30, 2003. The company is intending to grow heavily in the following years, and has plans to acquire 207 new aircraft for a total $6.86 billion up to 2011, with an option to acquire additional 150 aircraft for $5 billion by 2016. This rapid and costly expansion cannot be financed solely through cash flows from operations and common stock issuance. The best alternative for such acquisitions is the combination of leases and secured loans. Indeed, those financing means are common in the airline industry, are those which offer the lowest cost (JetBlue has favorable terms), the leases offer the flexibility to JetBlue to exit the contract in case of difficulties, and the debt does not represent a high risk for the company as it is secured by the aircraft. The companys management and shareholders will also be comfortable and supportive of such financing scheme. JetBlue migh t however not have favorable terms for all of those acquisitions. The company will need to invest in other domains as well, such as spare parts, new engines, additional hangars and a flight training center. For all of those other needed investments, the company can of course rely partly on its cash flows from operations. For the remaining part, and to provide the company with some financial flexibility (to finance its hedging costs and deal with any distress situation to meet its debt obligations), the company needs to issue new equity. Indeed, JetBlue is facing several risk factors with this growth strategy: There is first the increasing fuel prices risk, as the company is getting bigger and is consuming more and more jet fuel. Second, the company is departing from its initial strategy: new markets, bigger size, increasing risk of workforce disloyalty, new types of aircraftâ⬠¦ Third, there are the common market risks: political stability, weather conditions, natu ral disasters, terrorist attacks etc. JetBlue needs thus to compensate for those risks by being financially conservative. The company needs to protect itself from any financial distress situation by keeping a balance between debt and equity. In addition, and mainly because of its low beta, the company has the benefit of having a very ââ¬Å"cheapâ⬠equity. My recommendation would be the following: For the capital expenditure needed in the remaining part of 2003, JetBlue should issue common stock. To support this option, John Owen can argue with the board that this option is the one that minimizes the companys weighted average cost of capital, thus maximizes the overall stock price of the company and the shareholders wealth. This option will also provide the company with more financial flexibility, allowing it to rely more easily and with favorable conditions on debt for its upcoming acquisitions. For the coming years, and for those upcoming acquisitions, JetBl ue should rely primarily on leases and secured debt. Those are the more favorable options for the company in all aspects. The company has however, each year, to support some of those acquisitions and the other needed investments, first with cash generated from operations, but with equity issuance as well. The company, for each year, needs to compensate its increasing level of debt by issuing new equity, first to maintain an optimal capital structure, and second to compensate for the companys financial and operating risks.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Obesity is a Disease Essay - 850 Words
Over one-half of all Americans are overweight or obese. If you are overweight or obese, carrying this extra weight puts you at risk for developing many diseases. Women generally have more subcutaneous fat than men, but appear to suffer a greater cardiovascular risk from a given degree of fat than women. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Obesity is the net result of an excess of energy consumption over expenditure. Factors that must be considered as contributing to causation are: heredity, and altered metabolism of adipose tissue, the list goes on and on. Overeating is clearly a prominent contributor to obesity. Feeding behavior occurs in response to hunger and to appetite induced by the presence of food. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Moreâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Physical activity has been defined as ââ¬Å"bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditureâ⬠. There is no debate about the value of physical exertion. Regular physical activity has significant health benefits, and even modest increases in energy expenditure can have health enhancing effects. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The rising rates of obesity and overweight among kids and teens in the U.S. have become a concern for parents and society. Some educators and schools have even begun sending home information to raise family awareness about childrenââ¬â¢s weight status and the risks of obesity. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Parents who received a health report card were more likely to know whether their child was overweight and to plan medical help, dietary changes, and physical activities for their overweight kids. 91% of the parents who received health report cards requested yearly information about their child; and two-thirds of the parents who did not receive a health report card requested one for their child. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine in California assessed risk factors for becoming overweight during childhood. A group of 150 children and their parents participated in the study, which began within days of birth and continued for 9.5 years. Researchers in the study collected information about eachShow MoreRelatedObesity : The Disease Of Obesity Essay1374 Words à |à 6 PagesMore than 93 million Americans are affected by the disease of obesity (Obesity Action-Brochure). There are many ways to approach this disease, such as weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, or diet and exercise plans. Doctors and insurance companies have different requirements that the patient must meet in order for the surgery to take place. Obesity is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. There is a difference between being overweightRead MoreObesity : A Disease?1223 Words à |à 5 Pages126 12 February 2017 Obesity, A Disease Per the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, more than 35 percent of American adults are obese, more than 34 percent is overweight, and 17 percent of the children from the United States are affected by obesity. 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It is very difficult to pinpoint one sole reason obesity is occurring in people, there are many different justifications for what causes a person to become obese. Obesity is a disease that is currently sweeping the entire world. Percentages of not just adults, but children are skyrocketing like never before. People have never been so overweight until now. I am going to examineRead MoreObesity Is A Disease?1410 Words à |à 6 PagesHolly Elliott ENC 1101-13186 16 December 2015 Obesity Is a Disease About one-hundred million people in America are diagnosed with obesity every year, thatââ¬â¢s one third of our population (Carson-Dewitt, Davidson, Atkins)! Obesity should be taken seriously because, it may cause permanent damage for us in the future. Many researchers have preformed various tests to prove that obesity is a disease. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a disease is an illness that affects a person, animal, orRead MoreObesity Is A Disease?1263 Words à |à 6 PagesObesity is a disease. There is no way around that but how can America s Society help? How can someone prevent this? How can this disease be cured? Do you schools play an important role in a childââ¬â¢s health? Even though someone may not seem obese they are and doctors and scientist have came up with the BMI scale to prove it. Someone can be very fit by playing sports and working out everyday but if their height and weight donââ¬â¢t meet at the appropriate spot on the chart then they are co nsidered obeseRead MoreObesity Is Not A Disease1182 Words à |à 5 PagesObesity has been measured or defined in various ways. Many researchers have differing opinions on the origins and effects of obesity. The rapidly increasing rates of obesity are often linked to a high calorie diet and little to no physical activity. Although obesity is seen as a disease that affects a personââ¬â¢s weight, it actually affects a lot more than that. Obesity can affect individuals in both adolescence and adulthood, their families, and the healthcare system. From an outside viewpoint, obesityRead MoreObesity And Obesity Related Diseases Essay1706 Words à |à 7 PagesChildhood obesity has become staggering in the United States. Children are considered obese if they have thirty percent amount of body fat or more and is measured by body mass index (BMI). Body mass index conveys the correlation of body weight to height. If a childââ¬â¢s BMI is at or exceeding over the 95th percentile, meaning if their body mass index is greater than 95% of other children that are the same sex and age, they are obese. Doctor Jeffrey Levi, an executive director of the Trust for Americaââ¬â¢sRead MoreObesity And Obesity Related Diseases896 Words à |à 4 PagesObesity is primarily measured in body mass index or BMI, a BMI over 30 is considered obese. Until recently, there has been a steady rise of the obesity prevalence over the last three decades. The American taxpayers and the medical community face a huge challenge with regards to the 34.9% of adults and 16.9% of children who struggle with obesity (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, Flegal, 2014). Even with the prevalence of obesity remaining flat, morbid obesity, a BMI of over 40 has increased by two to threeRead MoreObesity : Disease Associated With Obesity Essay887 Words à |à 4 Pages1. List all of the diseases noted by the movie that is associated with obesity. To receive credit, this must be a complete list. The diseases associated with obesity are the following: Heart disease, Strokes, high blood pressure, Diabetes, asthma, some cancers, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Gout, and Breathing problems such as sleep apnea. 2. Pick one in particular disease noted, and expand on it. Do the research and give etiology, signs, and symptoms. Also, list any treatments that are commonly
Business Decision Analysis Break-Even Analysis
Question: Describe about the Report for Business Decision Analysis of Break-Even Analysis. Answer: Introduction I present a cost-volume-profit analysis and a break-even analysis for your organization. You are purchasing the raw sunflower seeds from the three producers A, B and C. The quality of the Sunflower seeds of A, B and C are different with different percentages of fatty acid and iodine content. Oleic acid a type of fatty acid is a very important factor in the quality of Sunflower Oil. The higher the quantity of oleic acid the better is the quality of Sunflower oil. Another important constituent of Sunflower seeds is iodine. The lower the quantity of iodine, the better the quality of Sunflower oil. Thus a balance between oleic acid and iodine has to be done. The sunflower seeds are crushed to express the oils. The oil is directly sold to the wholesale market. The by-product of the crushing is mash. The mash produced is sold as animal feed. Here first a Forecasting has been done. The purpose of the forecast analysis was to predict the future price / short ton of Sunflower seeds. For the forecast analysis a 15 year data was used. The methods for forecasting was a three period moving average and exponential smoothing (a = 0.2). Next a linear model has been developed to calculate the quantity of sunflower seeds that should be mixed to get the proper quality of sunflower oil. Since the sunflower oil should contain a minimum of 77% of oleic acid and between 0.78 to 0.88% of iodine. With the help of the linear model I developed a ratio in which the sunflower seeds, of the suppliers A, B and C should be mixed to get the proper quality of sunflower oil. The ratio found from the linear model was used in the cost-volume-profit analysis. First the revenue of your organization was found. The factors considered was fixed cost, variable cost and the mix of the purchase price of sunflower seeds. The purpose of the cost-volume-profit analysis is to optimize the cost and volume of the sunflower seeds being purchased from the three organizations. A break-even analysis has also been done. And thus the profitability of your company has also been calculated. I present also a discussion on the risks and uncertainties. Description of the problem The case at hand assumes that you will be purchasing the sunflower seeds from the three suppliers A, B and C. Before you purchase the seeds the price of the seeds for the next season is to be forecast. Hence the first problem is to forecast the price of sunflower seeds. The seeds will have to be purchased from three organizations since the quality of your product depends on a mix of the sunflower seeds of the three suppliers. Thus a ratio of the mix of the sunflower seeds from the three suppliers is to be calculated. The second problem is to find the ratio in which the sunflower seeds, is to be mixed. This also defines the ratio in which the sunflower seeds, is to be purchased from the three suppliers. The price of the sunflower seeds, of the three suppliers, varies as a percentage of the average market price (which is also the forecasted price). Third problem is to calculate a detailed cost-volume-profit analysis. From the cost-volume-profit analysis a break-even analysis has also to be calculated. Last some insights into the risks and uncertainties is being discussed. Methodology In order to generate a model I first considered the standard error of forecast price for the sunflower seed, oil and mash. I compared the standard error of the moving average model (three period) and the exponential smoothing model (with a = 0.2). The mean absolute error (MAE) of the forecast was considered. Since the MAE of the moving average method was lower for Sunflower seed hence for all the three variables the moving average method was used. Next a linear model was used to calculate the quantity of sunflower seed to be bought from each supplier. This was necessitated since the quality factors of sunflower oil depends on Oleic Acid (a fatty acid) and iodine. Supplier Bs seeds had a high quantity of both Oleic Acid and iodine both. While both suppliers A and C supplied seeds with lower quantity of oleic acid than required. The iodine content of supplier A was very high and that of supplier C was much lower than required. Thus a mix of all the three will have to be used. Table 1: A comparative study of ingredients with price Supplier Oleic Acid Iodine % of market price Quantity in final mix A 72% 0.95% 85% P B 82% 0.85% 100% Q C 65% 0.72% 90% R Standard 77% 0.78 0.88% We calculated the amount of sunflower seed in the final mix as P, Q and R amounts from supplier A, B and C respectively. Thus the linear model used was 0.72P + 0.82Q + 0.65R 0.77 0.0095P + 0.0085Q + 0.0072R 0.0078 0.0095P + 0.0085Q + 0.0072R 0.0088 The decision variable used was to minimize the cost of input (z). Thus z = 388.45P + 457Q + 411.3R was used as the decision variable. The result from the decision variable was used for the cost-volume-price analysis. The break-even analysis was also done. Findings / Results The analysis of the forecast value of the sunflower seeds, mash and oil are presented below. Table 2: Forecast Analysis Forecast MAE MSE MAPE Seed moving average 457.00 38.83 2261.88 10.30 Seed exponential smoothing 417.37 104.64 14593.30 29.15 Oil moving average 1287.07 298.29 266636.18 37.98 Oil exponential smoothing 1239.14 403.75 1542473.83 28.18 Mash moving average 216.33 16.56 395.01 9.93 Mash exponential smoothing 190.46 23.81 1794.91 19.82 Since the Moving average error for sunflower seed is lower hence the forecast price for sunflower seed, oil and mash using the MAE method has been used. Hence the average forecast price of sunflower seed is $ 457.00. Thus the average forecast price of sunflower price of the three suppliers is: Table 3: Forecast price of the three suppliers Supplier Forecast price A 388.45 B 457.00 C 411.30 Using the above forecast price and quality on oleic acid and iodine present in sunflowers seeds of the three suppliers the ratio in which the sunflower seeds is to be mixed has been calculated. The linear method has been used to find the ratio. The ratio in which the sunflower seeds has to be mixed is: Table 4: Ratio of mix of the sunflower seeds Supplier Ratio of mix A 0.39 B 0.55 C 0.07 From the above ratio of the mix, the forecasted quantity of the sales, the requirement / year, the cost-volume-profit analysis is done. Accordingly I present the cost-volume-profit analysis Forecasted Revenue $ / year 29283147.00 Forecasted Purchase of Sunflower seed $ / year 23632098.38 Variable Cost $ / year 547500.00 Fixed Cost $ / year 1750000.00 Expected Income $ / year 3353548.63 Expected Income $ / short ton 61.25 Hence I can say that the expected income / short ton will be $ 61.25 taking into consideration that you will be using 150 short tons / day. The break-even analysis is also calculated. The break-even analysis shows that the for break-even you will need to get 34145 short tons / year or 94 short tons / day. Figure 1 : Graph of Break-even analysis. Since you can run at 90% capacity hence the break-even value for 90% of your capacity is 104 short tons / day or 37939 short tons / year. Risks and Uncertainties The above calculations have been done taking into consideration that you will be utilizing 150 short ton of sunflower seeds / per day. The first risk considered is that the quality of sunflower seeds of the three suppliers A, B and C are different. All the above calculations are based on the data provided regarding the quality of the sunflower seeds. If the quality of the sunflower seeds vary then the calculations will not be true. The second risk is that for every 1 short ton of sunflower seeds you get 0.3 sunflower oil and 0.7 sunflower mash. The cost of sunflower oil is more and that of sunflower mash is less. The calculations as well as the break-even analysis have been based on the fact that the whole produce of sunflower oil and mash will be sold. If the ratio in which the sunflower oil and sunflower mash is not sold then the revenue of your organization will change. Since the price of sunflower oil is very high hence if the required quantity of sunflower is not sold then the r evenue will dip. Conclusion It can be concluded that the quality of sunflower seeds is very important factor. It is important for the three suppliers to maintain their quality. Taking into consideration that the quality of sunflower seeds will be maintained I have suggested an optimum purchasing ratio from the three suppliers. I have also analyzed the cost-volume-profit (CVP) ratio. From the CVP I have calculated the break-even. The break-even takes into account that you will be able to sell the whole produce of oil and mash produced from the seeds. The price of oil is much higher than that of the mash. Hence if you are not able to sell the whole quantity of sunflower oil you will not be able to generate revenue. Thus the break-even will not be valid. At 90% optimum capacity the break-even will increase by 10%. At your maximum input capacity of 150 short tons / day you can expect to have revenue of $ 61.25 / short tons. Bibliography Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., Williams, T. A. (2014). Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Excel. Cengage Learning. Brennan, R., Canning, L., McDowell, R. (2014). Business-to-Business Marketing. SAGE Publications. Brown, S., Bessant, J. R., Lamming, R. (2013). Strategic Operations Management. Routledge. Cafferky, M., Wentworth, J. (2014). Breakeven Analysis: The Definitive Guide to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Second Edition. Business Expert Press. Camm, J. D., Cochran, J. J., Fry, M. J., Ohlmann, J. W., Anderson, D. R. (2014). Essentials of Business Analytics. Cengage Learning. Carlberg, C. (2012). Predictive Analytics: Microsoft Excel. Pearson Education. Carlberg, C. (2016). Excel Sales Forecasting For Dummies. Wiley. Ferrari, A., Russo, M. (2013). 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Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics. Cengage Learning. Salkind, N. J. (2015). Excel Statistics: A Quick Guide. SAGE Publications. Warren, C. S., Reeve, J. M., Duchac, J. (2015). Financial Managerial Accounting. Cengage Learning.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Writing Services For Research Papers
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Monday, April 6, 2020
Topics to Write an Essay on for High School - Is it a Scam?
Topics to Write an Essay on for High School - Is it a Scam? What You Don't Know About Topics to Write an Essay on for High School Some people think that the sole aim of higher education is to create people ready for employment. There are a lot of facilities in the most recent world to obtain a benefit of. The only means to handle the expanding amount of vehicles and the degree of environmental pollution is to raise the amount of gasoline. If you're a student, or anyone else who's going to do plenty of writing, then you ought to provide yourself with the most suitable technology, especially now, when it's virtually costless to achieve that. The remedy to very long paragraphs must be brutal. In high school, you're supposed to select the type of topic you are going to be in a position to dig into that is, you've got to remember to can discover enough info on the discipline. The subject could appear vast initially, but they were able to focus it. Fortunately, it's a simple adj ustment to make. The Rise of Topics to Write an Essay on for High School Inside my experience, nearly every topic can be amazing. The fantastic thing about science is it is for everybody who's prepared to look to the Universe itself to learn more info about it. Rather than taking extra tension of education, students may use the available instruments and techniques to acquire assist. The best that you could do is to discover time-saving approaches to acquire your work done sooner than you always have. It's important to get a way of organizing your long essay. Reading is about drawing and coloring. It is crucial to insert your initial ideas to produce an essay exclusive. Writing a thesis is actually quite simple if you adhere to a fundamental formula. An essay is a rather short bit of writing on a certain topic. It will fit in the right amount of Letter sized paper. MLA would be the simplest style to get started with, and it's ideal for each of the ideas listed above. Poetry lets you express yourself or your beliefs in a brief selection of words. Persuasive topics usually require an outstanding number of sources. Many students think a thesis is merely a group of ideas strung together with a couple vital words. The Secret to Topics to Write an Essay on for High School For the time being, however, it is going to enable you to organize your essay and teach you just how to compose an essay. The essay should distinguish you coming from the various different applicants. In reality, a great deal of argumentative essays are in fact persuasive papers. Writing an essay for a student at an American University is something that's treated with excellent importance by an entire bunch of people which were also told to compose essays as students. So whenever you are writing an essay, you're harnessing the complete might of culture to your life. Thus, make certain there is sufficient research available. Many students think that a research paper is simply a description of the sources they've read. As science finds out more, we will find out more about that. What Topics to Write an Essay on for High School Is - and What it Is Not It is preferable to start on the most suitable note as opposed to realizing it later and wasting your time in the procedure. Hopefully, the next time you sit down to compose an essay, you'll be in a position to finish it in a brief period. If you would like a job, you've got to earn a case for yourself. If you locate a particular moment (anywhere from 1 minute to a month) and share an in depth picture, you will end up getting an exceptional topic. The One Thing to Do for Topics to Write an Essay on for High School Evidently, you are in need of a computer. A superb keyboard (for instance, the Microsoft Natural Ergonomic keyboard) is likewise a great investment. Internet also cuts the transportation cost to get books and decreases the time also from your house you can receive all the information in a span of time. It also reduces the transportation cost to buy books and decreases the time also from your home u can get all the information within a span of time. The Most Popular Topics to Write an Essay on for High School Essay writing requires students to remain focused on for a lengthy time period. As stated by the experience of preparing students for IELTS, the toughest area of the exam for most of applicants is the writing part. Your mistakes are tough to spot while your essays continue to be fresh. More essay help Each teacher is a bit different within her requirements. Topics to Write an Essay on for High School - Dead or Alive? The steps may be slightly different for you, but it's still true that you have to conserve the document utilizing UTF-8 encoding. It's important to get a topic that's specific enough that finding sources is relatively effortless, but broad enough which you can write many pages about it. You could play on the sort of sentences. The aim of the outline is to supply you with a blueprint' of the paper and straightforward reference when writing. The Most Popular Topics to Write an Essay on for High School A superb trick here to make certain you respect a suitable phrasing implies to remove both of the examples, and if your sentence still means something, you're on the proper path. An easy thesis statement may be something like A very good leader should have intelligence, superior judgment, and courage. The realities of life are harder, so it's vital for each and every person to realize it once possible. Also, keep in mind that you'll have to supply some factual evidence for your opinion (after all, any academic paper needs to be supported by academically recognized sources), so don't go for subjects which ar e purely opinionated and don't have any possibility of justification. The New Angle On Topics to Write an Essay on for High School Just Released You are able to get an extra discount through the PTE voucher that could be purchased at any AECC Global office. If your state isn't allowed the website will block you from registering automatically. There are big advantages of gambling online instead of live games at land-based casinos. No matter your plans after, being a superior writer and crystal clear thinker will offer you a leg up your competition. Don't forget to attentively read the previous portion of the topic to debate how you are asked to. You have to compose a 400-word body. Similarly, as soon as you are writing the body, you must take note of the angles you desire to cover.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
What You Must Know About Multiculturalism Essay Topics
What You Must Know About Multiculturalism Essay Topics Lousy aspect exaggeration of multiculturalism is against the major intention of harmony. It is thought that any culture can't be defined on the grounds of racial or religious adherence of individuals. Finally, the mixture of unique cultures will cause multiculturalism. The mixing of cultures isn't unachievable and multiculturalism's project isn't to cater for the occurrence of parallel lives'. What You Don't Know About Multiculturalism Essay Topics Additional information for stallholders is on the Stallholder webpage. Following that, you must conduct small research allowing to gather the essential info. Don't neglect to check the access to resources the topics that you consider. The topics can fluctuate, but they all are aimed toward supplying the information about a student's potential. France uses different policies when it comes to unique issues. Topics like death and divorce are cautionary since they can be exce edingly tough to write about. Other folks utilize pluralist policy in order to get rid of the inequality. Understanding the issue of racial discrimination. The difference of the cultures in the folks of America is very much important in addition to they learned very much regarding the lot of different cultures aspects and workings in addition to they don't figure out how to work precisely in line with the needs and the wants. In the past few years, racism has turned into an issue for many cultures. The culture depicts the actual image of the folks that what the individual actually belongs to because the culture reflects your true presence. Many of the various cultures use to stay in the usa. Multiculturalism Essay Topics Can Be Fun for Everyone Individual schools sometimes need supplemental essays. Many applicants don't make the most of the essaythey choose the incorrect question, write about an inappropriate subject, or only fail to collect a compelling essay. Several onl ine essay services are constructed to help students solve their essay issues. To compose a strong argumentative essay, students should start by familiarizing themselves with a number of the common, and frequently conflicting, positions on the research topic so they can write an educated paper. A great deal of times you may have to compose a personal essay. Although it is obvious for a narrative essay, it could be unclear why one ought to offer enough details for a persuasive or possibly a process essay, alongside with the rest of the types. Stephen's essay is quite effective. A personal essay provides the reader a glimpse of your private life experience. Additionally, there are plenty of reasons like, xenophobia or religion etc.. There's a club for virtually every religion, even for the people who aren't affiliated with any religion. As an issue of fact, multiculturalism can provide a variety of advantages for our nation. In conclusion, it is a good thing for society and people, so it is positive. Although Jeb argument is against the theory of multiculturalism, there are plenty of advantages that come about by a country practicing the idea of multiculturalism. A good deal of the countries success can result from Multiculturalism. For the time being, it remains a considerable problem directly regarding the matter of multiculturalism. Racism is among the more important issues that is stressed upon when it has to do with multiculturalism in Canada, there's mostly institutional racism happening, meaning that racism which occurs in organizations or universities. Especially in modern western societies are likely to make sure that there's a bright future for Multiculturalism. It is an integral part of the country. Multiculturalism and diversity administration. A Startling Fact about Multiculturalism Essay Topics Uncovered There are a number of companies which provide essay writing help to students from all around the world. As a student you should have the interest to work on a specific topic and excel in the exact same. For a student in the center school the usual topics are linked to science and history. Besides that, it is going to enable estimating the knowledge perceived by means of a student after the finishing of a certain path of studies. Successful applicants will get a Performance Agreement. So, you must make sure you conduct thorough research and find support from an expert essay support. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Now that you know we are the ideal and expert essay writing service you are able to get aid from, you're totally free to order from our expert services.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Why No One Is Discussing Need Based Scholarship Essay Samples and What You Should Do Right Now About It
Why No One Is Discussing Need Based Scholarship Essay Samples and What You Should Do Right Now About It Considering all the knowledge areas and tips that you're already mindful of in writing a scholarship letter, you may easily put together all of the info that you have to make sure you and your scholarship letter will stick out. A scholarship essay is just a bit of the college scholarship application procedure, but it might cause students lots of stress. A terrific scholarship essay enables the scholarship provider understand the actual person supporting the application and may be the trick to winning the award (assuming you satisfy the other scholarship criteria). The main reason why it's necessary for you to make sure you will make a thorough and in depth scholarship essay is a result of the benefits that it may provide to your scholarship application. For one, with scholarships you may not need to shell out as much time doing work and might use the opportunity to pursue more useful internships or volunteer opportunities in your area. Additionally, you may download our free guide for more advice on how best to discover scholarships to study abroad. If you're asking for a scholarship, odds are you're likely to should compose an essay. Key Pieces of Need Based Scholarship Essay Samples The essay is frequently the most important portion of your application. Scholarship essays are extremely similar to your college application essays in regard to strategy. They are a serious matter. Writing a scholarship essay may not be a very simple undertaking for many students. Above the duration of the tutorial occupation, you're going to be asked for to compose a good deal of essays and papers on several different subjects, based on the coaching routine. Over the duration of your respective educational occupation, you may be asked for to compose a whole lot of papers and essays on several subject areas, based on the teaching program. Over the period of a person's educational profession, you're going to be asked for to compose a lot of papers and essays on numerous subject areas, based on the teaching system. Over the length of the educational profession, you can be asked for to compose plenty of papers and essays on several subject areas, based on the instruction program. How to Choose Need Based Scholarship Essay Samples Without knowing good essay making, your odds of going into a fantastic college are slim. There are in reality a huge number of means on line exactly where college students may discover phrase papers free of charge. There is nobody approach to compose a winning scholarship application. Not everybody can afford excellent education, which explains why some individuals choose to join the institution's scholarship program. You will have to learn the difference between need-based aid and merit- based. Therefore, it can be constantly advisable to carry out a satisfactory exploration in advance of selecting a specific guidance. There are a lot of business structures that can be followed by the prospective small business runners in the country. Unlike loans, you don't need to pay back scholarships after you graduate. The Bizarre Secret of Need Based Scholarship Essay Samples Don't use any fancy fonts as it can produce the essay seem informal. The general format of your essay, for example, font size and margins, will solely are based on the instructions provided to you. The secret to writing an excellent essay is to help it become interesting, and the secret to that is to write about something you're passionate about. Writing a college essay can arrive in various forms and styles based on your taste. There are various ways to begin an essay and all you have to do is to use one that can give the most positive impact to the individuals who will review your scholarship essay. Don't forget to begin your essay strongit should have the capacity to spark the interests of your readers. The precise same is ideal for the best essay writers. Having us to address any of the issues which you may face when coming up with scholarship essay topics will be advisable for you. The precise same is applicable for the best essay writers. Typically, it's really easy to discover fully free essay, but there exists an additional dilemma for receiving the essay, which you definitely need to have. Becoming conscious of common essay mistakes and the way to repair them can help you produce an impressive scholarship essay. Finding the Best Need Based Scholarship Essay Samples Begin with a strong thesis or umbrella statement outlining your targets, and indicating the principal categories you'll be discussing in your essay. The principal plan of the total essay is going to be your thesis assertion. It will probably be your thesis assertion. The principal plan of someone's full essay will probably be your thesis assertion.
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